Monday, April 17, 2006

Back to Rome

Hi, well the winter in FL has been great. We have kept very busy and could easily stay 6 more months, but it is time to think about sailing. Tomorrow we fly to Rome and move back aboard Triumph. She has spent the winter in the Fiumicino canal about 20 miles south of Rome and 2 km from the airport. Getting ready to leave the country for 6 months is tiring and at times, frustrating. Can you think of all the things you could forget to do over the next six months? It is hard enough to live every day and forget things, but anticipating all the thigs you might forget is a big deal for us.
We are about packed, and the airline limit is being pressed. I'll have a back ache for a week from this trip, but rerigging the boat will take my mind off of the pain for a couple of weeks.

Maybe I can keep up a more regular blog once I am aboard.

This years trip may take us to Sicili, Malta, Greece, and Turkey. That is if all goes well. I'll keep you posted, Dick


Blogger Team Sharma said...

Thanks for the link! Have a safe journey.

11:18 AM  

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