Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Triumph Celebrates Cyprus

Tuesday, May 22,2007

We docked in Cyprus before noon and caught naps after lunch. This put us in good humor for the North Cyprus President's Reception in the castle courtyard. What an elegant setting for a cocktail party. The American Contingent went out for pizza afterwards.

We enjoyed a full-day bus tour to Magosa-Famagusta, through the 16th century fort, the Othello Tower and Venetian Palace. We saw St. Nicholas Cathedral (built 1298-1326), St. Barnabus Monastery and an icon museum. Our tour included another lovely lunch outdoors. The evening activities included a pirate parade and party. This turned out to be a LOT of fun...216 sailors dressed in full pirate regalia, and many townspeople turning out to photograph us. There were lots of pirate jokes, talking parrots
and sword fights. Our faces were tired from so much laughing.

The parade ended at a lovely five-star hotel with a sumptuous feast, Cypriot traditional dancers in costume, a professional belly dancer, and a terrific band for dancing. Wow. What a night.


Blogger Team Sharma said...

This sounds fantastic! I'm glad that you are having so much fun.

6:10 AM  

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