Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Update From Triumph, May 30 '06

Greetings from Sicily, We sailed south 50 nm to Siracusa from Taormini last Sat. Siracusa was the center of Greek domination of the Med about 200 BC. There are still many Greek monuments although the Romans changed many of them after defeating the Greeks. We walked the old city and enjoyed the water front. The winds pick up in the afternoon so the dinghy ride back to the boat was a little rough. Monday was a provisioning day. Two dinghy trips to the market fill our stores for the trip to Greece.

Tuesday, we sailed back to Taormini to stage for the first leg of out Greek passage. We enjoyed a rotisserie chicken dinner aboard Tapestry, an did our final planning for a 5 am departure.

It is now Wed. The worst day we have had since the Atlantic crossing. We sailed the first 4 hours at hull speed with a tippled reefed main and reefed jib. then until now we are motoring into 15 30 knots with a short choppy sea. Did I mention that the current has been one knot against us all day. We will cover 70nm in about 14 hours. We plan a lay day a marina tomorrow. CAIO, DICK


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