Sunday, June 10, 2007

Triumph Visits Haifa, Israel

Sunday, 10 June 2007

We've been ruined! The ancient ruins continue to impress us, but we are on sensory overload. The sights, sounds, music, food, language and customs change every three days as we move further into the Middle East.

We moored at the Carmel Yacht Club for three nights while we toured the Haifa area. We toured the City of Haifa on our arrival day, enjoyed a full day tour of Galilee, Nazareth, Jordan River, and Golan Heights with lunch at a kibbutz on the second day, and a tour of Acre (World Heritage Site) and up the coast on our last day. A special highlight was dinner in the home of Musa and Aya, who are Carmel Yacht Club members. They prepared a lovely dinner for all four of us in their apartment overlooking
the sea. What a rare treat to be guests in a local home for shabbat.

We are presently approaching our next port, Ashkelon, Israel after another easy, overnight sail. We'll tour Masada and the Dead Sea tomorrow, then sail on to the Suez Canal and Egypt on Wednesday, June 13.


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